Meanwhile, we are deep in planting season.
Being as we have almost unlimited access to hessian coffee sacks, we did this:
This gives the sacks are more stable bottom. Then we rolled the sides down so they stand up like this:
Then we filled them with dirt and added some seed potatoes, thus:
While Jodie supervised. She did, at one point curl up in the middle of the sacks for a snooze, which was very cute, but didn't want to be photographed. Who knew kelpies were shy?
The ingenious plan is to wait for leaves to appear, cover them with more dirt, rolling the sacks up to contain this, repeat, repeat until the sacks are standing full. The potato plants, wise to this ruse, keep growing, and at each adding of dirt, grow another layer of tubers. You can buy commercially produced gro-sacks to do this, or make a pile of tyres. We're using what we've got.