Wednesday, 29 April 2020

In which we try to avoid using any cliches to explain our potato-related activities...

It's been a nice week at Marmalade Cottage.  The Creative Reinventor's business looks like it might survive the State of Emergency, and the Practical Reinventor has been doing some freelance policy wrangling.  From the garden.

Meanwhile, we are deep in planting season.
Being as we have almost unlimited access to hessian coffee sacks, we did this:

This gives the sacks are more stable bottom. Then we rolled the sides down so they stand up like this:

Then we filled them with dirt and added some seed potatoes, thus:

While Jodie supervised.  She did, at one point curl up in the middle of the sacks for a snooze, which was very cute, but didn't want to be photographed.  Who knew kelpies were shy?

The ingenious plan is to wait for leaves to appear, cover them with more dirt, rolling the sacks up to contain this, repeat, repeat until the sacks are standing full.  The potato plants, wise to this ruse, keep growing, and at each adding of dirt, grow another layer of tubers.  You can buy commercially produced gro-sacks to do this, or make a pile of tyres.  We're using what we've got.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Optimism II

You might remember the chook pen garden?

Things have progressed.

The self-sewn tomatoes have teensy fruit on them.  They're unlikely to ripen - it simply won't be warm enough for long enough, but you have to admire the spirit of the plants.
The pumpkins are about to flower, but they're all male flowers.  Regardless, they do provide rather good protection for all the leafy greens around them.

The sunflowers, also, are unlikely to flower, but this one has an interesting mutation.

Thursday, 23 April 2020


This is a dragonfruit cutting.  It sat in its pot silently for weeks.  Then it put up a shoot.  The Practical Reinventor feels like this is her spiritual plant totem.  She's not being doing well of late.  While the  coronavirus restrictions have not helped, it's the employment market that's been the problem.  Where she'd normally have a week or two off between contracts and just enjoy the time, there have been 11 contracts withdrawn from offer.  Employers are either terribly nervous, or realise that one of the employees they've just sacked could do the job instead.  Sigh.
However, there's a short, freelance contract happening, and her mood has lifted.
Hopefully this is the first step out of the mental morass.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

There were tears

While all the fun things are put on hold, and we're all confined to quarters, there's been a lovely resurgence in the skills we used to value.  Of course this isn't all good - there's been a run on vegetable seedlings and when they ran out, seeds.  Some smaller seed companies are completely overwhelmed.  The price of laying hens has skyrocketed.  One feels a little sorry for the hens going to homes where the people know nothing about looking after them.
However, Marmalade Cottage has always grown vegetables and baked bread preserved food.

First up, onions.  The Practical Reinventor is very fond of a pickled onion, so there's no excuse for years of buying them.

It'll be about a month before we know whether they're any good.  A report then.

And this old favourite - once a winner (well, third, but still) at the Perth Royal Show.  Pineapple relish.  Which comes out looking like this:

And is fabulous with cheese.
And since the tomato lady up the road is still selling her wares by honesty box, some of these:

became these:

which got whizzed up into the most amazing tomato sauce.  They're in the freezer waiting for a day cool enough to justify lighting the pizza oven.
It's been a while between loaves, so we made some of this too:

All in all, it's been rather productive.

Monday, 6 April 2020

Desperate times

We had to finally close our little cafe last week.  It's been coming for a while, not just the corona-crisis, but the upcoming end of lease and the clear animosity of the landlords towards us.
That means four people out of work, and a significant portion of income lost.
The much-vaunted jobkeeper payment doesn't apply.  
Right now, we're focusing on surviving this crisis and working out how to rebuild when things improve.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Autumn veg

The new bit of vegetable garden, the bit that was the chook shed is doing remarkably well.  The Practical Reinventor planted some species thoughtfully (potatoes, garlic, broadbeans) then added an array of seeds.  Firstly because a variety of plants produces a variety of scents and that helps to confuse and repel insect predators, and secondly because she likes a riot of species growing together, something like what happens in nature.
In this picture you can see rocket, sunflowers, assorted lettuces, kale, and probably a few others.

For perspective.  We did not plant those tomatoes and pumpkins.  They most likely won't fruit, but you have to admire their spirit!
And that is a pizza oven in the background.  Rescued by an associate from a former pizza oven, and (mostly) installed on the plinth we built something ridiculous like seven years ago.  It cooks magnificently, but takes a good three hours to heat up enough to be effective.  So we don't use it terribly much.