Thursday, 9 April 2020

There were tears

While all the fun things are put on hold, and we're all confined to quarters, there's been a lovely resurgence in the skills we used to value.  Of course this isn't all good - there's been a run on vegetable seedlings and when they ran out, seeds.  Some smaller seed companies are completely overwhelmed.  The price of laying hens has skyrocketed.  One feels a little sorry for the hens going to homes where the people know nothing about looking after them.
However, Marmalade Cottage has always grown vegetables and baked bread preserved food.

First up, onions.  The Practical Reinventor is very fond of a pickled onion, so there's no excuse for years of buying them.

It'll be about a month before we know whether they're any good.  A report then.

And this old favourite - once a winner (well, third, but still) at the Perth Royal Show.  Pineapple relish.  Which comes out looking like this:

And is fabulous with cheese.
And since the tomato lady up the road is still selling her wares by honesty box, some of these:

became these:

which got whizzed up into the most amazing tomato sauce.  They're in the freezer waiting for a day cool enough to justify lighting the pizza oven.
It's been a while between loaves, so we made some of this too:

All in all, it's been rather productive.

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